Eva Hoffman was born in Kraków, Poland, shortly after World War II. Her parents, Boris and Maria Wydra, survived the Holocaust by hiding in a forest bunker and then by being hidden by Polish and Ukrainian neighbours. In 1959, at the age of 13, she emigrated with her parents and sister to Vancouver, British Columbia. Upon graduating from high school she received a scholarship and studied English literature at Rice University in Houston, Texas, the Yale School of Music, and Harvard University. She received her Ph.D. from Harvard in English and American literature in 1975.

Lost in Translation: A Life in a New Language” is a non-fiction work recounting the author’s life from childhood through her mid-thirties. Hoffmans love of language is evident in her riveting storytelling style.

There are two main things of which the reader should be aware : The first one is that the Polish language differs from most others

The second one is that throughout this telling autobiography, the author runs the gamut of emotions from adolescent hope to disillusionment to fear, rage, joy, wonder, love, denial, and acceptance.

“Eva was old enough to feel like a stranger”

Read more ....... https://idioenseotourism.wordpress.com/2020/07/31/lost-in-translation-when-the-context-of-something-does-not-translate-well/



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New film and book for you to practice ( Lost in Translation )

New film and book for you to practice ( Lost in Translation )


Profesor particular Miriam

Eva Hoffman was born in Kraków, Poland, shortly after World War II. Her parents, Boris and Maria Wydra, survived the Holocaust by hiding in a forest bunker and then by being hidden by Polish and Ukrainian neighbours. In 1959, at the age of 13, she emigrated with her parents and sister to Vancouver, British Columbia. Upon graduating from high school she received a scholarship and studied English literature at Rice University in Houston, Texas, the Yale School of Music, and Harvard University. She received her Ph.D. from Harvard in English and American literature in 1975.

Lost in Translation: A Life in a New Language” is a non-fiction work recounting the author’s life from childhood through her mid-thirties. Hoffmans love of language is evident in her riveting storytelling style.

There are two main things of which the reader should be aware : The first one is that the Polish language differs from most others

The second one is that throughout this telling autobiography, the author runs the gamut of emotions from adolescent hope to disillusionment to fear, rage, joy, wonder, love, denial, and acceptance.

“Eva was old enough to feel like a stranger”

Read more ....... https://idioenseotourism.wordpress.com/2020/07/31/lost-in-translation-when-the-context-of-something-does-not-translate-well/

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