Watching series can be a great way to learn other languages. Though if you do not do it properly, you can waste a lot of time and not learn anything. So here is a simple strategy to improve your fluency by watching series.
1. Rewatch things that you have already seen or are very familiar with. If you know what is going to happen and are familiar with the characters, it is way easier to understand what is being said and to follow the story.
2. Put the audio and subtitles in the same language. Unless you have the energy and patience to listen in one language and read in another.
3. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid. Avoid watching overly complicated series unless you are well familiar with them. Otherwise it can be a big waste of time and ruin your viewing experience. Watch cartoons, stupid dramas, "how to" videos, reviews or even simple comedies.
4. Watch things related to your interest and professional life. This makes what you are learning more relevant and you will be more likely to remember it! Find series related to things you like or that relate to your life.
Watching series can be a great way to learn other languages. Though if you do not do it properly, you can waste a lot of time and not learn anything. So here is a simple strategy to improve your fluency by watching series.
1. Rewatch things that you have already seen or are very familiar with. If you know what is going to happen and are familiar with the characters, it is way easier to understand what is being said and to follow the story.
2. Put the audio and subtitles in the same language. Unless you have the energy and patience to listen in one language and read in another.
3. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid. Avoid watching overly complicated series unless you are well familiar with them. Otherwise it can be a big waste of time and ruin your viewing experience. Watch cartoons, stupid dramas, "how to" videos, reviews or even simple comedies.
4. Watch things related to your interest and professional life. This makes what you are learning more relevant and you will be more likely to remember it! Find series related to things you like or that relate to your life.
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